Saturday 13 June 2015

So Horrific! See what these two fathers did to their children (photos)

I left the shop to play with some of my friends after  i finished attending to the customer.
When I got back, my mother asked where I was and told me she would report me to my father. Immediately we got home, my mother told my father what my did in shop, he started to beat me very hard and he then went off to plug a pressing iron, which he used to burn my body all over my body, she said.
During the brutal beating of the daughter became unbearable for Kafayat’s mother who reported to her husband punished their daughter, she eventually rushed out to call neighbors for help, who later came in to restrain him of beating Kafaya.

The OPD officials who handled the case said Ibrahim locked up his daughter after the incident.

Omotola report her office would continue to monitor the case to ensure that Ibrahim was diligently prosecuted for the abuse.
Also apart from the case of Kafayat, another case which OPD are working on is that of five year old Olamilekan Mustapha, whose father, Adigun beat him till he lost consciousness.

The 28-year-old father reportedly resuscitated the boy thereafter the beating.

This boy says noting but “my father beat me all the time, when he was asked about the marks on his body.

Just like Kafayat, observant teachers in Olamilekan’s school reported his case to the authorities when they noticed the extensive marks all over his body and face when he went to visit the school premises.


Public Defender under the Lagos State  invited by the Office of Public Defender, where he was later handed over to the police for prosecution.

This Adigun, who is an auto mechanic and also the father of Olamilekan with a report getting to us was gathered  that Olamilekan’s mother and Adigun had separated some years ago.
But that his step mother, who is nursing a two-month-old baby also beat the boy ruthlessly regularly as well.

Being processed for the custody of Olamilekan in a government children’s home, where the boy would be kept pending the determination of his father’s case in the court.

                                                           Mr. Adigun

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