Wednesday 1 July 2015

Robberies in traffic on Lagos roads - woman Share her story (photos)

This is also an appeal to the appropriate agencies in Lagos and other states. Curb the menace of traffic robbery now before these robbers start killing people. The talent manager Osaje Isioma shares her experience.

She reveal, I want to give my testimony @ 11:30pm two sets of people attempted to rob me in traffic. I had just gotten off the phone with my mum to say I was in standstill traffic. The first set of two guys yelled at me from outside my window asking me to wind down.
Unknowingly to me she immediately said a prayer for my safe return home. I remember hearing that your best escape was to honk your horn repeatedly. I put my hand on the horn and didn't let go. Then I started  calling God in my mind to help me. Just immediately I saw an opening in the next lane and swerved in, still pressing my horn. Before they fled.
Just five minutes later three guys came to the driver’s side window. Point torch light into my car. Asking me to wind down and give them something.
Next thing I could see something swing and my window shatters. At that very minute another space opens on the next lane and I swerve in while honking.  Till they fled.
Many would say I was almost robbed, to me I was saved.

Still Thanking God for his mercies.

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