Saturday 4 July 2015

Majek Fashek's wife shares touching story, Says she has moved on after waiting so long for him to get out of drugs

Wife of popular reggae act Rita Fashek, the former wife who is currently battling with drug and alcohol addiction says she divorced him three months ago and has remarried after waiting for years for him to come out of his state. Rita shared her story in an interview the punch paper. 

I have remarried and I am moving on with my life. (Majek Fashek) Jebose, when things don’t go right, what do you do? I am tired of waiting for Majek. I have been living for years, alone, lonely and with my children, waiting for him to come home.

I waited all these years, his brothers never cared. No member of his family reached out to me. I am not getting any younger. I decided to move on. Majek abandoned the children and me for so long, too long.

She reveal, I am no longer Majek’s wife. I love him. But I am not in love with him. Majek is a wonderful man. I am worried and concerned about his life these times. He had been on this drug dependency for the past 15 years.

We are a good family of three children; Randy is 30, Seun is 24 and our last boy is 12. My children were denied affection of a father by his illness and addiction. I have been the sole provider and single mother of our household in the past 15 years since he chose this lifestyle and walked away from us. I don’t know what went wrong with Majek. I may never know. He is  into substance abuse.

I discovered his dependency on drugs and alcohol after the birth of our second son, Seun. He would leave the house and return stoned, ultra-happy and erratic. The signs began to manifest that Majek was on drugs.
 I was scared and didn’t want to believe it. But everyday then, he continued to plunge into serious drugs and alcohol experimentation. They became normal recreation for him. This behavior wasn’t right. So one morning, I checked him into one of the hospitals in New York. This was 12 years ago.
The hospital treated his addiction problems and he responded to treatment, briefly. Days after he was released from the treatment facility in New York, he was back on track on substance abuse. He reconnected with his neighborhood friends and suppliers. Majekodunmi would leave home for days and return to our apartment, soaked in dirt and oozing of alcohol, behaving erratically, commanding and trying to control us.
He took his musical instruments and sold them for drugs or pawned some so as to get money to feed his desire for alcohol. I tried to shield the children from his life but sometimes it was difficult, especially when he lived, partly and by his choice, with us in our New York apartment. He went and came randomly, never cared about how we survived.

One day, he came home and said, “Rita, I am going back home in Nigeria, take care of my children.” He walked away and never came back, until I came to Nigeria two years ago to help him get treatment. Majek doesn’t have any money. I worked very hard to support my children and him. That was what his addiction did to him and to our family with a prayer.
He was seen everywhere in New York drunk, sometimes sleeping on the floor of subway stations as he waited for the train home. When he returned home, I would cook, clean and feed him. I had to take care of him.
 He his the father of my children and also my husband. He was sick and his family abandoned us. Before the illness, he was a wonderful man. Majek’s heart is a pot of platinum. He is a very kind and loving person.

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